Subscription Plan for Full Access to

Thank you for your interest in subscribing to Our platform is dedicated to providing the latest and most comprehensive information on war crimes committed around the world.

Although we have always been committed to providing our content for free, we have been forced to introduce subscription fees in order to cover the costs of maintaining our website and collecting new judgments. Our team works tirelessly to ensure that our database is up-to-date and accurate, and we believe that our subscription fees are necessary to sustain this level of quality. We understand that this may be an inconvenience for some of our users, but we hope that you will see the value in our platform and continue to support our mission. Thank you for your understanding.

Our full access subscription plan offers access to all of our premium features, including:

Unlimited Access to our Database

As a full access subscriber, you will have unlimited access to our database of war crimes committed in various countries. Our database is constantly updated to ensure that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information available.

Advanced Search Capabilities

With our advanced search capabilities, you can easily find the information you need quickly and efficiently. You can search by country, type of crime, perpetrator, and more.

Detailed Case Summaries

Our database provides detailed case summaries for each war crime, including the date, location, victims, and perpetrators. These summaries will help you better understand the scope and impact of each crime.


By subscribing to our newsletter, you can stay informed about new war crimes added to our database or updates to existing cases. This feature ensures that you never miss out on the latest information. Plus, you can customize your preferences to receive the updates that matter most to you.

Personalized Support

Our team of support specialists is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. As a full access subscriber, you will receive priority support to ensure that your experience on our platform is seamless and enjoyable.

Our full access subscription plans are available at the following rates:

Monthly Plan

for Individuals

20 EUR
per month

6-Month Plan

for Individuals

100 EUR
every 6 months
(equivalent to 16.67 EUR per month)

Annual Plan

for Individuals

150 EUR
every year
(equivalent to 12.50 EUR per month)

6-Month Plan

for Institutions

200 EUR
every 6 months
(equivalent to 33.33 EUR per month)

Annual Plan

for Institutions

350 EUR
every year
(equivalent to 29.17 EUR per month)

We are excited to have you join as a full access subscriber to Sign up today to stay up-to-date and contribute to the cause.

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